About the European Video Gaming Society
The video game industry is on the path to become one of the largest cultural sectors in the EU, with a higher growth rate compared to other cultural sectors in the EU. In terms of the global market, the EU accounts for one third of the overall market value behind North American and the Far East and China and this market share is projected to remain stable over the next few years. The video game sector is also an attractive industry for investors, be it in terms of Mergers and or of attracting venture capital investment into the industry. At a smaller scale, public and private funding also play an important role injecting more resources in game development. The EU is home to some of the largest and well-known game publishers. and game studios in the market, operating in different genres and types of games over a different level of platforms.
The policy support available on the EU level for the video game industry is fragmented and the help available encompasses mainly cultural, creative and digital industries in general, rather than specifically targeted and systematic initiatives for the video-game sector. Video games also remain an under-researched area of expertise, and there is lack of understanding of this quickly growing sector in public policy at a Member State level.
Why should you get involved?
From March to December 2022, the European Video Gaming Society project will bring together a network of experts, thinkers and leaders from the academia and the gaming industry – including game developers, studios, creators, and business experts – of key sectors and influence groups in areas like game development and creation, business politics, finance, law, education, culture, science, and health will be consulted in a series of workshops designed to shape a European agenda for games.
About the second workshop of the European Video Gaming Society
Participants will be able to contribute with their opinion on several aspects of the Video Games sector, with a focus on the main challenges and opportunities affecting the VG European industry, their potential impact on the sector’s development and their major socio-economic effects. This second workshop aims to start diving into the core themes of the project:
1) market and financing,
2) regulatory environment and framework,
3) education, research and skill’s needs, and
4) the societal and cultural dimension of video games and contribute to determine the focus of future workshops.
The event will take place on 26 April 2022 from 10.00 to 12.30 (CEST - Brussels time).
Agenda of the event:
Agenda item
10:00 – 10:10
Welcome and warm-up
10:10 – 10.30
Workshop presentation
10.30 – 10.40
Setting the Scene
Introducing the European Gaming Society project and presenting the main challenges and opportunities for the VG industry already identified throughout desk research for the market reports
10.40 – 11.40
Brainstorming session on challenges and opportunities
11.40 – 12.10
Presentation and plenary discussion of the outputs
12.10 - 12.30
Final Q&A session and conclusion
Please note that this event is by invite only;
- If you have received the invitation letter, please make sure to confirm your participation by registering, we will contact you with more information!
- If you have not received an invitation letter but would like to attend*, please contact us by email at EUvideogames@ecorys.com
*Please note that we will not accept participants that have not completed and submitted a registration form to join the session.